Sunday, July 28, 2013

Blog Post6: Hate Crimes

We all know that in our world, the word crime is exposed to us. Exposed like we all know about something to this stuffs. Nowadays the rate of crimes and violence are very high it depends on the countries control . As we know in the news almost all of it are very serious cases like killing, Murder and other things that contains crimes. 

           So what is Hate crimes? According to an article i red entitled "Hate Crime indeed" Written by Jeffrey T. Brown he mentioned that hate crime is one of the greatest issue in our society now. Its all about hating someone and making violent things to them. According to him hating now is using guns and other things to kill. He's ginving some examples about this crimes like if your not with them or your different with their race they could punish and kill you. 

Lots of news are related to this kind of things like killing someone and toturing them, like in other countris even the government are involve in any crimes. Lets say corruption they to all their best to prove that they are honset about it. Like what happen to some events in Philippines they kill for the position for their power. In the article it's very clear when he explain a lots of things about hate crimes.  

 Yes it is true our days are becoming more and more violent and full of crimes. But hate crime still one of the most worst thing in our world. 

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